Code of Conduct & Business Ethics

The Code of Business Conduct & Ethics is our guiding framework and tool to be considered as a trusted partner and to promote responsible business conduct. It applies to all equally—regardless of the title or location—and to every Addiko Bank and its affiliates (hereinafter:  Addiko Group). In addition, we expect our third-party service providers and business partners to share our commitment to integrity, customer service, ethics, compliance, and behaviour that is consistent with this Code. The Code defines the culture, meaning behaviours, beliefs and interactions with our clients, business partners, regulators, state authorities and shareholders, as well as with each other.

In order to preserve and to further develop integrity of Addiko Group, it is necessary to connect ethical guidelines with real life. Employees as well as any other stakeholders are to be committed that the statutory regulations, rules and standards of conduct set out in this Code are followed.

Any violation of these statutory and internal provisions could have serious legal consequences for one or more of the banks and/or its employees and can fundamentally jeopardize the reputation or even more, existence of Addiko Group. Addiko Group will take the appropriate actions where we believe such events do not meet our high standards. Furthermore, Addiko Group has a zero tolerance policy with respect to violations (intentional and/or negligent conduct) of Addiko standards as provided in this Code.

This Code of Business Conduct & Ethics serves to:

  • Emphasize Addiko Group commitment to ethics and compliance with law;
  • Set forth basic standards (principles) of ethical and legal behaviours;
  • Provide reporting mechanisms for known or suspected ethical or legal violations;
  • Raise the awareness and help in improvement of Addiko Group culture and
  • Protect the data of our customers as well as our internal data.

All employees as well as third parties presenting Addiko Group are expected to follow the ethical values and standards.

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">11. July 2019.</span></span>