
Providing straightforward banking service

Our goal is to offer simple and straightforward banking which stands for: a more focused product and service offering, more efficient procedures and processes, and simpler communication through a more client-centric approach.

Straightforward banking underlines our desire of providing the best possible service to our clients and our dedication to constant improvement and always having our clients and their need in focus.

Are you not completely satisfied with our service?
We are always happy to help!

We care about what you think. For us, every suggestion or complaint is a chance to improve our service and products. We welcome any contact from you by email or post, and look forward to your messages.
In order to be able to process your request quickly, we need:
• General information about you, such as your name, surname, address, telephone number and email address (if available)
• Specific information, e. g. which person, product or service is the subject of the complaint
• The reason or circumstances of the complaint (what happened and when)

How can you reach us?

If you live in Austria and it’s about own Addiko savings products, please get in touch:
Addiko Bank AG
Postfach 345
A-1000 Wien

If you live in Germany and it’s about own Addiko savings products, please get in touch with our intermediary:

Raisin DS GmbH
Schlesische Straße 33/34
D-10977 Berlin


or if you wish a direct contact with Addiko Bank:
Addiko Bank AG
Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG
A-1100 Vienna
Sterneckstrasse 19
A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

If we provide other services for you
Get in touch:
Addiko Bank AG
Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG
A-1100 Vienna
Sterneckstrasse 19
A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

How do we deal with your complaint?

We would like to thank you in advance for your time and commitment. Upon receipt of your complaint, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt via email (if you have sent us an email address) and a precise and detailed examination of your request will be carried out. Our goal is to resolve every complaint within five working days. If we cannot provide a response in this time, e. g. due to complex interrelations or extensive research, we will provide a status update after five working days and update you on the expected settlement date of the complaint. Once we come to a conclusion, we will inform you immediately. Should you not agree with our proposed solution, you have the option of contacting a number of third parties. These include:
• Financial Market Supervision Austria:
• Joint Arbitration Body of the Austrian Banking Sector:
• The European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution Platform:
• Internet Ombudsperson:
• Arbitration body for consumer transactions:
Our participation in the respective arbitration proceedings is subject to an individual examination

If you have further questions, please contact our
Addiko Customer Service Center.

Further services

• Any further questions?
Call us – weekdays from 07:00 to 17:00 hrs free of charge from all over Austria:
0800 800 707
Or send us an email to:

 If your details have changed
Has your name changed or have you moved?
With our forms you can easily inform us about any changes.

• Online Security
Addiko takes all the necessary measures to protect your data.
You can find out more about our security measures in the FAQ.

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">26. October 2017.</span></span>