Financial Calendar



14.02.2024Start of the quiet period
06.03.2024Publication of the Consolidated Annual Report 2023
(Earnings Call at 2pm CET)
16.04.2024Record date for the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2024
26.04.2024Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2024
28.04.2024Start of the quiet period
02.05.2024Dividend ex-date
03.05.2024Dividend record date
07.05.2024Dividend payment date
08.05.2024Results 1Q24 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
25.07.2024Start of the quiet period
08.08.2024Results 1H24 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
24.10.2024Start of the quiet period
07.11.2024Results 3Q24 (Earnings Call at 2pm CET)



15.02.2023Start of the quiet period
08.03.2023Publication of the Consolidated Annual Report 2022
(Earnings Call at 2pm CET)
11.04.2023Record date for the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2023
21.04.2023Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2023
27.04.2023Start of the quiet period
02.05.2023Dividend ex-date
03.05.2023Dividend record date
04.05.2023Dividend payment date
11.05.2023Results 1Q23 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
03.08.2023Start of the quiet period
17.08.2023Results 1H23 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
25.10.2023Start of the quiet period
08.11.2023Results 3Q23 (Earnings Call at 2pm CET)



16.02.2022Start of the quiet period
09.03.2022Publication of the Consolidated Annual Report 2021
(Earnings Call at 2pm CET)
04.04.2022Record date for the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2022
14.04.2022Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2022
27.04.2022Start of the quiet period
11.05.2022Results 1Q22 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
03.08.2022Start of the quiet period
17.08.2022Results 1H22 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
26.10.2022Start of the quiet period
09.11.2022Results 3Q22 (Earnings Call at 2pm CET)



17.02.2021Start of the quiet period
10.03.2021Publication of the Consolidated Annual Report 2020
16.04.2021Record date for the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2021
26.04.2021Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2021
21.04.2021Start of the quiet period
30.04.2021Dividend ex-date
03.05.2021Dividend record date
04.05.2021Dividend payment date*
05.05.2021Results 1Q21 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
28.07.2021Start of the quiet period
11.08.2021Results 1H21 (Earnings Call at 2pm CEST)
20.10.2021Start of the quiet period
03.11.2021Results 3Q21 (Earnings Call at 2pm CET)
09.11.2021Dividend ex-date
10.11.2021Dividend record date
11.11.2021Dividend payment date*
*Considering the ECB recommendation on dividend distribution (ECB/2020/62), the Management Board of Addiko Bank AG aims for a dividend proposal at the upcoming AGM on 26 April 2021 consisting of the communicated 2019 dividend of €40mn (carried forward to the financial year 2020) and, in addition, a further distribution related to the year 2020. In total, the Bank plans to generate shareholder return of up to c. €46.6mn (€2.39 per share), for a total of 19.5 million shares, to be distributed via an unconditional and a conditional tranche, subject to shareholder approval.

The first, unconditional tranche of ca. EUR 7 million (EUR 0.36 per share) shall be distributed on the dividend payment date of 4 May 2021 and represents the maximum dividend allowed under the currently valid recommendation of the ECB (i.e. below 15% of the cumulated profit for 2019-20 and not higher than 20 basis points of the Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio, whichever is lower).

The conditional distribution of the second tranche of up to ca. EUR 39.6 million (up to EUR 2.03 per share) is envisaged to be paid after 30 September 2021 under the condition and to the extent that on the twelfth working day of each calendar month after 30 September 2021 until 31 January 2022 neither a recommendation of the ECB would, in the company’s view, conflict with a distribution of dividends nor a legally mandatory distribution restriction is effective or applicable.

Note: All future dates listed here are tentative and may change throughout the course of the year.

Last change: 24 October 2022

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">23. April 2019.</span></span>