
Addiko Bank AG
Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG
A-1100 Vienna
E-Mail: (investor enquiries:

Addiko service hotline for Austrian Direct Deposits  (Tagesgeld and Festgeld) – only available to customers in Austria: 0800 800 707

Registered Seat Vienna
Registration No.: 350921k
Commercial Court Vienna
VAT No.: ATU 68091469
Sort code: 52300

Authorization: Licensed Credit Institution in accordance with § 1 (1) of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG)

Competent supervisory authorities:

Financial Market Authority / Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA)
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
1090 Vienna, Austria

European Central Bank (ECB) / Europäische Zentralbank (EZB)
Sonnemannstrasse 22
60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Chamber / trade organisation:

Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Bundessparte Bank und Versicherung
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63
1040 Wien, Österreich

Applicable legal regulations are in particular the Austrian Banking Act (Bankwesengesetz – BWG) and the Act on Supervision of Securities (Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz – WAG) in the respective version:

The scope of business of Addiko Bank AG is selected banking activities and participation management

Information provided pursuant to the Austrian Media Act

Publisher and media owner of the website is Addiko Bank AG, Canetti Tower, Canettistraße 5/12.OG, 1100 Vienna, Austria.

Management Board

Herbert Juranek (Chairman)
Edgar Flaggl
Tadej Krašovec
Ganeshkumar Krishnamoorthi

Supervisory Board

Kurt Pribil (Chairman)
Johannes Proksch (Deputy Chairman)
Sava Dalbokov
Frank Schwab
Monika Wildner
Thomas Wieser (Works council)
Christian Lobner (Works council)


Please see Shareholder structure

Basic tendency of the website content of “

  • Presentation of Addiko Bank AG
  • Press releases, reports and photos regarding projects, activities and partners of Addiko Bank AG
  • Information and links regarding Investor Relations (financial ratios, etc.)

Accessibility Statement / WCAG conformity


An overview of the structure and scope of can be found in the sitemap at the bottom of the footer. The sitemap links every page of the homepage thereby taking you to the desired location with one click.

Reporting System


Contents, design and layout

Addiko Bank AG

Technical development

Addiko Bank AG

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">8. September 2017.</span></span>