Split by investors (48.7% free float)
The illustration above is based on the most recent Major Holdings and Directors Dealings notifications and on sources that the bank considers reliable. Holdings below 4% of the shares are presented in a summarized form. The detailed holdings of the Management and Supervisory Board are shown in the Directors Dealings section. Addiko Bank AG does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the text and graph.
Latest change: 13 March 2025
* Contains own shares acquired by Addiko Bank AG through share buybacks. The company currently holds 212,858 own shares in total.
According to the three major holdings notifications from Alta Pay Group d.o.o. published on 2 April 2024 and to point 10 “Other useful information” therein, the share purchase agreements are “conditional on clearance by supervisory authorities, merger control clearance and approval by purchaser’s general meeting”.
– Threshold crossed on 27 March 2024: Alta Pay Group d.o.o. “has signed agreements with two minor shareholders of the issuer regarding the purchase and transfer of 626,938 shares in the issuer each, adding to 1,253,876 shares in total” , bringing the financial/other instruments held to 6.43%. (notification)
– Threshold crossed on 28 March 2024: Alta Pay Group d.o.o. “has signed an agreement with a shareholder of the issuer regarding the purchase and transfer of 1,312,231 shares in the issuer”, adding another 6.73% to the financial/other instruments held to a total of 13.16%. (notification)
– Threshold crossed on 29 March 2024: Alta Pay Group d.o.o. “has signed an agreement with a shareholder of the issuer regarding the purchase and transfer of 1,325,875 shares in the issuer”, adding another 6.80% to the financial/other instruments held to a total of 19.96%. (notification)