Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board

NameCVFunctionYear of birth
Kurt PribilCVChair1957
Johannes ProkschCVDeputy1969
Sava DalbokovCVMember1973
Frank SchwabCVMember1969
Monika WildnerCVMember1971
Thomas WieserCVDelegated by the Works Council/ Employee Representative1980
Christian LobnerCVDelegated by the Works Council/ Employee Representative1978

The Supervisory Board has set up the following committees:

Credit & Risk Committee
The Credit & Risk Committee is inter alia responsible for the granting of loans and credits to customers or to a group of affiliated customers in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board.

It is also responsible for advising the Management Board on the current and future risk profile and risk strategy; monitoring the implementation of that risk strategy and the observation of capital adequacy and liquidity; verifying whether the prices of the services and products offered by the credit institution adequately consider their business model and risk strategy and endorsing the Recovery Plan of the group.

Audit, Compliance & AML Committee
The key tasks of the Audit, Compliance & AML Committee pursuant to § 63a (4) BWG include auditing the Annual Financial Statements and Consolidated Group Financial Statements including the consolidated Non-Financial Report and preparing the adoption of the Annual Financial Statements as well as the proposal on the allocation of the annual profit by the Supervisory Board. The Committee further reviews the Report of the Supervisory Board and the (consolidated) Management Report.

Moreover, the Committee issues recommendations for improving reliability and supervises the effectiveness of the company’s Internal Audit, Compliance and AML, Internal Control System (ICS) and Risk function and examines those in detail.

Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee deals with succession planning related to the Management Board and submits proposals to the Supervisory Board for filling vacant mandates on the Management Board and. It also supports the Supervisory Board in preparing proposals to the General Assembly for the filling of vacancies on the Supervisory Board.

Furthermore, the Committee considers its recommendations on diversity targets and reviews the fit and proper status of the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board.

Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee prepares resolutions on remuneration matters, including resolutions that have an impact on the company’s risk and risk management and must be passed by the Supervisory Board. The Committee reviews, discusses and suggests changes to the remuneration policy and monitors the remuneration practices as well as the incentive structure of the company.

Digitalization & IT Committee
The Digitalization & IT Committee is assisting the Supervisory Board in the supervision and support of the Management Board regarding the Group’s IT and digitalization strategy, its IT landscape & infrastructure, digital business developments, approach & progress towards digitalization, open banking, partnerships and FinTech activities.

Committee for Management Board Matters
The Committee for Management Board Matters is a decision-making committee responsible for the exercise of representative rights pursuant to the Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz,) and is required to advise on and manage the legal relationships between the company and the members of the Management Board except for the appointment and dismissal of the members of the Management Board.

In particular, it deals with provisions in the individual Management Board members’ employment contracts and makes changes to the contracts as needed.

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">23. April 2019.</span></span>