Terms of Website Usage

Terms and conditions for use of our website

General points

Addiko Bank AG (hereinafter “we” or “Addiko Bank AG”) would like to thank you for your interest in the www.addiko.at and www.addiko.com websites (hereinafter both referred to as the “website”) and Addiko Bank AG as a company.

It is important to us to protect your personal data while you visit our website or websites operated by us (websites for the online application process for Addiko products and/or for Addiko online banking) and during any processing of your data thereafter. Your data will be used and protected in conformity with current law (in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (DSG). Below we explain how we use your personal data when you visit our website or a website operated by us. You can find further information on data processing carried out by Addiko Bank AG at addiko.com/data privacy.

Personal data

Personal data is information about an identified or identifiable natural person (this also includes e.g. their surfing and communications activities).

For the purposes of providing appropriate data and systems security

  • the web server logs the following data when our website/a website operated by us is viewed: IP address, any user name given, date and time of access together with technical data on the item accessed, browser and operating system used (combined log format);
  • the email server for Addiko Bank AG logs the following data when you send us an email: email and IP address together with the host name of the recipient and the sender, numbers of recipients, subject, date and time received by the server, file names of any attachments, message size, risk classification with respect to spam/sender status. The checking of emails and filtering out of spam or malware is initially an automated operation; only where there are grounds for suspicion or doubt will individual emails be subject to closer examination by a person with special responsibility for such matters – and only after consulting with the email recipient.

All other personal data will only be captured through our website/a website operated by us if you have actively entered this data, e.g. by filling out a registration form, contact form or product application, sending an email or using Addiko Online Banking.

Cutting-edge encryption and access restrictions provide a suitably high level of protection against unauthorised accessing of transmitted or stored data. But please be aware of the fact that it is not possible to guarantee 100% security when transmitting data in the internet. For this reason we recommend absolute caution when disclosing personal data in the internet as well as the use of instruments such as internet firewalls, antivirus and anti-spyware software and similar technologies, all of which can protect you when using the internet.

Use of personal data

Personal data collected on our website/a website operated by us is only used

  • if it is required to be able to complete or process a contract (Art. 6 (1)(b) of the GDPR);
  • if a legitimate interest exists (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR):
  • to answer your enquiries;
  • to provide services and/or information, in particular Addiko Online Banking;
  • to manage our business relationship;
  • to operate and administer our website;
  • to provide technical support to users;
  • to ensure network and data security;
  • if we are obliged to do so, for legal reasons (Art. 6(1)(c) of the GDPR), and/or
  • if you have given your consent to use for specifically-named, lawful purposes (e.g. advertising and direct marketing measures, statistical purposes (Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR)); in the knowledge that you can withdraw this consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing up until the time of withdrawing consent.

Marketing: If you give your consent, for example in the context of applying for a product, we may process your personal data (that is to say: customer number, name, date of birth, profession, address, email address, mobile phone number) to provide you – by phone, electronically (email or text message) or by post – with information, offers and special terms on new and existing products and services, campaigns (e.g. competitions, contests, test offers, newsletters, surveys) and invitations to Addiko Bank AG events. You may withdraw your consent at any time, by contacting us by phone: 0800 800 707, email: customer.service@addiko.at or post: Addiko Bank AG – Postfach 345 – 1000 Vienna, Austria; or by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” option that is included in all of our advertising emails or other messages. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing up until the time of withdrawing consent.

Visiting our website or a website operated for us and taking advantage of one of the offers contained in them is not dependent on you giving your consent to the use of your personal data for marketing purposes. If, however, you do not provide us with the personal data required, we may not be able to provide you with the information and/or services requested, or carry out certain tasks for which we need this personal data. Your visit to the website in all other ways remains unaffected by the above.

Rights of data subjects

The Regulation provides for a data subject’s right to information, rectification, erasure, restriction of or an objection to processing, and data portability. Please contact us in this connection either by email at customer.service@addiko.at or post: Addiko Bank AG, Postfach 345, A – 1000 Vienna. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (in Austria: Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde (the Austrian Data Protection Authority)).

NB: You can object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time; this also applies to profiling, where this is connected to direct marketing.


We use cookies on our website. These are little text files that recognise a user when s/he uses the website again. You will find more detailed information at: https://www.addiko.com/cookies-policy/.


We continually check and update the information on our website and the websites we operate. Whilst every care has been taken, the data may have changed in the meantime. The data comes from sources that we judge to be reliable and complete. We have researched the data with due care and collated it to the best of our abilities: we do not, however, assume any liability for the accuracy of the information published. Neither we nor any associated company, our employees, directors or other representatives assume explicit or tacit liability for the currency, accuracy, fairness, completeness or correctness of the information provided. Furthermore, neither we nor any associated company, our employees, directors or other representatives are liable for any type of losses or damages (including consequential or indirect damages or loss of profit) arising out of or in connection with access to or use of our website or websites operated by us or as a result of reliance on the information contained therein.

Our website may occasionally contain links to other websites that are outside of our control (“linked websites”) and are not subject to the terms and conditions of use of this website. The creation of links to linked websites is at the users’ own risk. Addiko Bank AG assumes no liability for the content of linked websites.

The information displayed on our website is, unless otherwise individually agreed with you, information of an advertising nature. It serves solely as an additional source of information for customers and is based on the knowledge of those persons responsible for compiling and editing it at the time of publishing. Representations, analyses and inferences are of a general nature and do not take account of customers’ individualised requirements. They can therefore not replace advice that is specific to the investor and the investment nor a thorough explanation of the potential risks. The illustrations of past developments in market values do not provide reliable indicators of future developments. General information on previous performance does not guarantee positive developments in the future.

The information contained our website or websites operated by us does not constitute investment advice or an investment recommendation, nor is it an offer or recommendation or invitation to buy or sell the financial products cited in it or to include them in a trading strategy. Addiko Bank AG does not assume any liability for direct or indirect damages, including consequential damages, damages to third parties or to the entitlements of third parties, arising in conjunction with the use of our website or websites operated by us or any linked websites. This applies in particular for any hardware or software damages to users’ end devices, loss or damage to data, damage or changes to configurations of end devices arising out of a failure to establish a connection, a delay or interruption to a connection, transmission errors, undelivered notifications, technical defects or unlawful interference by third parties. Any claims against us, associated companies, our employees, directors or other representatives on any legal grounds are thus precluded.

The warranty disclaimers described in this disclaimer do not apply if the provisions of individual agreements provide otherwise or there has been gross negligence or intent on the part of Addiko Bank AG or, in the case of personal injury, there is liability under product liability law.

We reserve the right to make changes or additions without prior notice to our website or websites operated by us and to the information provided therein, unless otherwise individually agreed with the user.

Intellectual property

Every element of our website and websites operated by us is protected by copyright and is the property of Addiko Bank AG and/or one of its group companies. The copyrights of third parties are reserved. The elements may only be freely used for browsing purposes; the express permission must be sought from Addiko Bank AG for the reproduction of elements in any form, be it electronic or in hard copy. The explicit agreement of Addiko Bank AG must be obtained prior to republishing any element.

The downloading or copying of any elements from our website or websites operated by us does not convey any rights to participants in respect of elements in our website or websites operated by us. We reserve the right to fully exercise and enforce our rights.

Changes and modifications

The current and applicable version of the terms and conditions of use of this website can be found at https://www.addiko.com/terms-of-website-usage/. We may update the terms and conditions of use of this website from time to time in the light of new legal, technical or business developments. We will use appropriate measures to inform you of the changes made, depending on their importance. Last updated:  August 2020

<span class="date updated date-link"><span itemprop="datePublished">8. September 2017.</span></span>